Granulated beet pulp, oilseed meal and seed cake production

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Sugar production produces a variety of by-products that are used in feeding cattle. 

Pulp is low in protein, high in energy and has an average crude fiber content. The basis of crude fiber is cellulose and pectin, which are very important for the normal functioning of the rumen. Pulp is a very valuable feed for lactating cows as it provides energy to the rumen but does not contain starch. These feed raw materials is included into the diet in a volume from 2 to 6 kg of dry matter per head per day.

Fresh beet pulp should be fed in 1-3 days to prevent spoilage.

Compared to raw processing waste, such a product has a number of undeniable advantages. Granulated dry beet pulp is much easier to transport and store. At the same time, it does not lose its useful feed properties for a long time and does not deteriorate.

In these feeds, among other things, the nutrients are distributed more evenly. They also have better digestibility. 

The production of granulated beet pulp consists of the following stages:

  1. fresh pulp is pressed in special installations to remove moisture;
  2. the resulting mass goes to the granulation line (rotary presses);
  3. the granules are ventilated and additionally dried.

Processing beet pulp using this technology allows you to get a product with a moisture content of up to 13%.

Oilseed meal and seed cake production

Kapital-AgroProm LLC also cooperates with companies that process oilseeds. The main direction of processing is sunflower, soybeans and rapeseed. The production is equipped with modern equipment that meets all the standards of the food industry and animal husbandry.

Oilseeds are processed using the technology of mechanical pressing by pressing with the use of extrusion technology, which ensures the production of environmentally friendly and high-quality products with the preservation of all useful nutrients and amino acids.

Oilseed meal and seed cake production
  • Feed raw materials are certified by Rosselkhoznadzor and veterinary services in accordance with GOST;
  • At the time of shipment, the raw material is re-tested by laboratory examination;
  • We will send samples of feed raw materials by courier free of charge:

All products go through several stages of control: from testing incoming raw materials to laboratory tests of finished products.

We check the composition, properties, quality of each batch of raw materials and products. We issue official opinions. We draw up test reports.

We provide a full package of documents - we provide certificates of conformity and laboratory test reports.

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