
Kapital-AgroProm LLC is a dynamically developing enterprise producing a whole range of products necessary for feeding all types of farm animals and birds!
To ensure uninterrupted export supplies, Kapital-AgroProm additionally uses the services of third-party contractors and has contractual relations with many grain-hopper complexes in Russia.

We have an equipped production laboratory, on the basis of which the analysis of incoming raw materials and finished products is carried out at all stages of production. The production laboratory is equipped with modern equipment and instruments for determining the quality of products.
Maintaining the technological level of production ultimately works for the quality of products, strengthens our position in the market.

Main directions of production:

Recently, our company has begun to develop a new direction - Production of Milk and Dairy Products.

The correct composition of animal feed allows you to increase milk yield from cows. When working with farmers, we take into account the recommendations of employees, adjust the composition of feed mixtures and achieve our goals.

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Correctly selected feed increases milk yield!

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